Yes, Frikosal, it is me. I'm TreeHugger, the annoying bug that had been placing comments into your fantastic blog.
Three months ago I tripped over your blog, and since then I discovered a rich world of insects and birds. I recovered my lost passion for photography. I learned how to make blogs and resulting to that I slept less hours. All this thanks to you.
I'm sorry to break the mystery. I'm a fan of Lost, the TV show. There are lots of unknowns and mysteries on that show, and every single time that a mystery is revealed I got deceived, because our imagination is far greater than any explicit reality. Now your imagination will stop guessing who the hell is TreeHugger and most likely will be deceived. But I had to tell you. When I saw you the other day and I had to put my hypocritical mask, that left me with a bitter taste and the determination to stop the game.
"Now your imagination will stop guessing who the hell is TreeHugger and most likely will be deceived"
Apreciat amic, pensa que segons a on treballis deixes un rastre de dues lletres molt evident a internet, o sigui que no em sorprens del tot.
Fins aviat.
Vaja, el caçador caçat, aquesta si que es bona
si ja ho vaig veure home que era-ho amics!
Reconec que al començament no vaig entendre el to dels teus comentaris.
Jo també vaig veient, però la foto em fa gràcia. Ara resulta que tres personatges de la foto escriuen al blog... sembla el començament d'un thriller
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