The other day I saw this couple of beautifull blue birds. They were busy up and down. It's spring and this two I'm sure they were in love. -Look what I brought you Honey, a fat 'bombylius major' -mmm, thanks dear.
What took my attention is that they were busy doing something on a sand wall and returning to this top dead branch of a young oak tree. What are they doing? I thought to myself. Maybe the wall is full of insects and they are having a succulent lunch? Well... turn out they were starting to build their love nest.

I found the position of this nest very weak to predators and stupid tourists like me (just close to an unpaved road), so I'm going to pray to the god's of birds for this couple and make sure that I will keep you all posted from their evolution.
Pues si, son abejarucos... unas aves muy interesantes y coloristas.
Donde yo los fotografía hacen los nidos EN EL SUELO ! y sobreviven.
Yo tampoco comprendo porque se hacen a si mismos tan vulnerables... pero si llevan haciéndolo así desde hace muuucho tiempo por algo será.
Te perdono lo de las margaritas en la barba... ;-)
La foto me la hizo mi mujer y me hizo gracia... al estilo "flower-power".
Un saludo.
Buen trabajo, si señor.
No te preocupes demasiado por los depredadores, casi los unicos capaces de meterse dentro son las serpientes, la entrada puede medir mas de dos metros.
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