My father in law was challenging me about the low precision of my compact camera to capture a precise moment. Certainly the G10 it's not as fast as my 350 were the instant I push the button it takes the picture, but it's not as bad as my old S60. You can see it here were I captured the precise moment were I squize the peel of an orange into a candle.
Llegeix-te primer el manual si vols treure-li suc de debó a aquesta petita joia que no és la taronja.
Si pre-enfoques segur que és més ràpida que el llamp.
Que bonita fotografía!
Casi se puede apreciar este olorcillo típico cuando se salpica la aceite de la piel de mandarina al fuego de la vela que tanto me gusta.
Un saludo
Mmmmmm has hecho una foto de la acidez de la piel... saltando al fuego.
Tu si que eres grande Bloguero, quien pudiera pillar alguno de tus guisos!
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