This picture was taken close to the Prespa lake. I wish I had the 100mm macro with me. This dragonfly was very beautifull and was always nicely returning for more pictures. It even opened it's wings for me.
I'm just a chemical reaction in a planet that orbits one of the 200,000,000,000,000,000 visible universe's Stars.
I've already met the ultimate reason of my existence, I've passed my genes.
Luckily I still have many other irrelevant quests that I like to pursue
No roads lead to Rome
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ostitiu quina passada d'animaló. on dius que l'has fet?
Al costat grec del llac Prespa. Quina passada de lloc. Cigonyes, Pelicans, Corbs marins... Antics monestirs bizantins... pocs turistes, gent amable... bon menjar i preus assequibles.
Vaja, el paradis a la terra.
Que guapu, i quin lloc més xulu. Ens has de posar més fotos d'allà.
Que fotografía mas buena!
La natura tiene unos bichos preciosos amagats per molta gent.
M´agrada que tornas a escriure al teu blog.
Mientras he buscado información y fotografías de Prespa. Debe ser preciosa la zona.
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