Here it comes my first butterfly. This beautiful lady is from Rubi.
The picture It's done with a 100mm macro lens together with a 'twin' flash. I really hate taking pictures with artificial light, but the results speak from themselves and I will need to keep on learning the technique of the flash. I hope master Fri-Koh can offer discounts to beginners.

The same image without flash has the backgroung with the same tone as the butterfly. An extra benefit of the flash is the increase of depth of field.
-Leptotes pirithous?? who knows!
1 comment:
Com vosté pot veure, el mètode de la gamba realment funciona i comença a donar resultats !!!
Un parell de comentaris:
-Si les retalles (que es millor no fer-ho), procura mantindre la relacio 3:2
-A la feta amb flash, procura exposar la llum ambient del fons correctament. Aixo si vols un dia t'ho explico.
-Un "twin" flash es un anular ? Bon material!
-Hi ha un parell de detalls de com processar-les i reduir-les. El dijous proper si portes un raw jo vinc amb el portatil i t'ho explico.
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