My friend
Frikosal brings to his blog an interesting question. Regarding the quality of his images, he asks himself what part of the beauty comes from the image itself and what part comes just from that magic moment that he experienced when taking the picture? In other words, how can we measure our pictures taking out all of our emotional links that brought us the magic moment of that shoot. It's a hard question.
Yesterday morning I saw this little rabbit. I couldn't take any good picture out of it, but besides the total lack of image quality I want to post it because I know that many of you will understand the strong emotions that I felt having this little rabbit so close to me. In the first image the rabbit was ~3 meter from my lens.
Tienes razón! Esas dos fotos del conejo son geniales, de verdad hay una emoción en ellas, aunque esté borroso, tú estás ahí mirándole emocionado... Voy a enseñárselo a G...
Tal como me imaginaba, a G. le ha emocionado tanto ver a the rabbit como a mí...
Aquest any sembla que s'estan refent els conills, a veure si fos cert. A la entrada del nostre poble, la dels 4 vents, vaig parar a fer una foto de tota la empastifada de ciment que tant malalt em posa. (Diràs que es masoquisme, però hi ha una raó per fer-ho). El cas es que entremig dels kleeneex i els condons tirats, hi ha un cau de conills !
La pregunta és difícil, jo ara no vull dir res més. Aquest vespre em parlem.
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