Let me introduce Channing Johnson from Boston, Massachussets. Channing is a young photojournalist that has a photoblog that I like to visit from time to time. I can't say why I like his pictures, they don't brake nothing. He even has no insect on it. But when I watch it I see harmony, I see a style, a way to look into photography and the most important, it inspires me to keep taking pictures.
My picture above was inspired by some of his 'low light' 'difficult to meter' photos.
Si que li dóna un aire la foto a les de Mr Johnson, però dintre d'un context mediterrani, més natural i més càlid.
ai laic verimauch dis pichur, congratulaichons, yuar a greit and fabulous artist.
Saluteichons from the ruait of the eixample. (or the left? ai don rimember never)
Is a verdadera vergüenza the anterior caballerete´s english. Many, many italian manlover, and many, many jewellflowers, but de inglés, ni flores. Also quería writen in my wonderfulli english, that la fotografía es la hostia, vive dios que yes.
Joer, TreeHugger. ¡Sosprendes!.
Només Writería sobre ello.
Y ya en serio, que la cosa lo merece.
Acabo de visitar el blog de este fotógrafo de prensa, y he visto verdaderas maravillas. Supongo que será la oveja negra de la familia Channing, y doña Ángela debe estar revolviéndose en su tumba.
He visto fotografías de distintas calidades, pero todas vivas.
Hay una que me parece terrorífica:
Adam and Melissa Get Married
De un humor negro genial.
Thanks, TH, for your advice and for the omage. It's a sweet picture with beautiful light. Also, I love your Wild Clove Pink picture. Gorgeous.
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