Nature is full of surprises. This curious caterpillars were ending with a wild rose, like a pest, they terminated with tho thirds of it's leafs. But what really draw my attention was the capacity they had to confound it's tail by it's head. It took me a wile to realize that what it seemed a threatening head it was in fact a floating tail.
Do predators get confused by this tail's shape and color? did this triggered a genetic advantage?
Do predators get confused by this tail's shape and color? did this triggered a genetic advantage?
Potser si, es dirigeix la atencio a una part no vital
Por reducción al absurdo, teine que ser evidente que sí. Además, esta técnica no es exclusiva, pués hay otras especies que la utiliza, y ahí están.
Los individuos no escojen cómo han de evolucionar. Es el entorno el que elige los mejores tunnings.
Tal vez por eso tengan tanto exito las ideologia fanáticas, dan sentido a la vida de los que no se atreven a pensar.
Me gustó mucho este comentario que has hecho en frikosal blog, y cómo no tengo tu correo, te lo digo aqúí.
La oruga de Carroll... le falta el narguile
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