Saturday, February 7, 2009

Montserrat i el paller de tot l'any

Early lights from this saturday morning.

Well... and a little bit of photoshop massage.

Katie is helping me to grow as a photographer, I take many good ideas from her blog (I will do one day my own version of the firecamp sparks under the stars). So I'm glad to explain what I modified here from my original picture:
1.- Increased the contrast of montserrat, the mountain at the end of the image and it's sourounding sky.
2.- Increase the lightnes of the whole mountain in the middle (paller de tot l'any) with all it's beautifull oak trees.
3.- Give light to the rocks in the middle term by increasing its saturation. This gives the sense that the sun is warming them. In fact the sun was doing so but at the capture of my picture a cloud decided to hide the sun, that means I'm not cheeting, I'm just reproducing artificially what I really saw.
4.- A little bit of 'sharpening'.


igniszz said...

Quina foto més xula, no sé quins arrangements li has fet però t'ha quedat molt xula.

katie said...

oh beautiful... but now i'm wondering how you photoshop "massaged" the image?

Erna Ehlert said...

Una maravilla de imagen te ha quedado.

Un saludo

frikosal said...

Está muy bien, a mi me gustaría (si no es mucho pedir) una versión con un dragón saliendo de la montaña.

katie said...

interesting... i do the same thing most of the time - try to recreate what my eyes saw, but if i go overboard, i usually write "digital manipulation" or something like that... this looks good though. and thanks for the nice compliments!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!