Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cistus 10 minutes before opening

This flowers are kind of magic, they live just a day. They open in the morning and on the afternoon they have lost their leaves. The next day new flowers will bloom.

I dream on a picture with many of this flowers. I have it on my mind but I'm unable to capture it. It's escaping me.


Anonymous said...

Un espectacle tan bonic s'ha de dosificar, per això no deuen sortir totes juntes.

Paco Becerro said...

Realmente una preciosidad

frikosal said...

Nomes viuen un dia?

Bufaforat said...

Señor TreeHugger, esta seguro de que solo viven un dia? yo diria que viven unos pocos dias a no ser que haga viento y entonces si que solo duran un dia.

katie said...

i want to see this flower open too!

treehugger said...

Well, seems that this flowers live more than one day, two or three they tell me. But on a windy day I've seen all the leaves down at the floor.

Belnu said...

Qué preciosidad, sí, y lo efímero aún le da más emoción