Picture taken the 23rd of November. After a freezing week this beatifull insect seem to have lost its strenght and has fallen into the river. She was luky we were there to rescue her. We were also luky as in summer you don't convice them soo easily to pose.
This are the fields were Siamara, Brunet, Zalamero, Llampeg and Taquetes run free. They are not afraid of loosing their jobs, they don't care about the climate change or even loosing all their money. They are free, really free.
Not a good day to be a free horse. Brunet under the rain begs for some food. He may wish to have a warm stall with regular food, but freedom has a price.
Don't get comfortable, make sure that you too pay the fee!
I'm just a chemical reaction in a planet that orbits one of the 200,000,000,000,000,000 visible universe's Stars.
I've already met the ultimate reason of my existence, I've passed my genes.
Luckily I still have many other irrelevant quests that I like to pursue
No roads lead to Rome
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